CSN® resistance fabric (Schniewindt mesh)

Patented quality since 1902.


CSN® resistance fabrics form the basis of many of the resistors produced by Schniewindt.

For these resistance fabrics, a resistance wire is woven in a meandering pattern with temperature-resistant insulating threads. In addition to the excellent high-voltage resistance and the design-related low self-inductance, the resistor fabrics are suitable for high specific loads due to the excellent convection conditions.

By selecting special resistor alloys, resistors can be developed for operation under almost any conceivable environmental conditions.

Product advantages

  • Excellent high-voltage resistance
  • Low inductance
  • high specific load capacity due to good convection conditions
  • Proven design for outdoor or indoor operation
  • high long-term stability

Technical data

Resistance value

according to customer requirements

Active material

selectable depending on requirement profile


- Natural air cooling

- forced air cooling

PREN index (Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number)

0 to > 50 (seawater resistant)

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